Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter and Chocolate Bunnies !!

This is my little stinker, Prissy. She is the highlight of any cloudy day. I am sure if you have a chihuahua, you feel the same way about yours. Tomorrow is Easter, a time for many who worship, go to church, many who come home and hide the Easter eggs outside in the lawn for the youngins to find, and a time for many baskets that are filled with chocolate candy. Please take great care that your chis do NOT get ahold of any chocolate at all. It can be very poisonous for them. I don't know what's in it that is bad, but please know that they cannot have it. With so much going on during this holiday, take special care to keep the candy up and away from your curious chihuahuas, or any dog for that matter. What are my chis getting for Easter? Just a bunch of lovin and attention.........that's really all they want. Happy Easter everyone !

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Chihuahua Who Has to Check Everything Out

Leave it up to my nosy chihuahua to check out the packages that arrived for my son the other day. She just couldn't stand it. Chihuahuas CAN be quite nosey..